New State, New Job, New Life basically.

So, I promised to write more this summer in amongst all of my travels.  But then…

Those travels happened….

Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City

Then we bought a house…

Miss Frances, unsure of all this.
Miss Frances, unsure of all this.

And then we moved to South Carolina, the Palmetto State.

State Motto: “Dum Spiro Spero” – While I breathe, I hope.

State fruit: The Peach;  State Dance: The Shag; State Beverage: Milk.

Where Spanish Moss hangs from Live Oaks, the liquor stores close at 7pm, people run red lights with abandon, and almost everyone (local) smiles and waves at everyone else.

We live in this adorable little town


Which is about 15 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and the beaches.


So what else is going on?

I went to Salt Lake City to grade the AP Exams, which was as fun and fabulous as ever.  Sure, I had to read thousands of high school essays, but I also got to see a great group of friends that I reconnect with every June. We also went up into the Wasatch Mountains, which is always beautiful. Unfortunately, the Mormon Museum was closed for renovations.  Next year, or the year after, I will definitely be visiting.

With other history educators at Silver Lake, Utah

Mostly I’ve been settling into the new house and state.  My family came to visit and we spent a week or two touristing.  We visited Medieval Times (of course), Charleston, and so much more.  And of course, beach time.

Touristing in Charleston, SC

My biggest news is this:  Starting on Monday, I will be teaching Public History and History to the students of Coastal Carolina University!  I’m so excited to be back in an academic atmosphere, and I’m honored to have this opportunity.  The campus is beautiful.


And our mascot is Chauncey, a Chanticleer (information on how that came about here).


For now, I’m getting back into the swing of syllabi and schedules, and enjoying every moment.  I can’t wait to have the opportunity to think and discuss Public History and current issues with students.  Look for more posts on that soon.

And as I’m constantly pining for Ireland, those updates will appear someday as well.

2 replies to “New State, New Job, New Life basically.

  1. Welcome to South Carolina and Go CHANTS! As a former CCU student (POLI SCI major), I can’t wait to hear more about Public History. I don’t believe the class was offered when I attended…Good luck on your first day of classes!

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