
Travel and History fit together perfectly, so it’s no surprise these are my two favorite things.  I’ve traveled to Ireland 3 times, Scotland twice, and England and Wales once. My friends often ask me for advice about traveling to these places, so I’ve decided to combine that information here for easy access.

One of my best general travel tips is book through Travelocity for flights, and use at least one night in a hotel to get the best price. I’ve done this to Dublin and Edinburgh with great results. The cost of flight+hotel was cheaper than the flight alone, and the hotels were delightful! In Dublin, we stayed in the Ashling Hotel, which was in a part of the city we hadn’t seen much of before (Jameson, Phoenix Park). In Edinburgh, we stayed at the Hotel du Vin, which used to be the city’s Bedlam asylum!


Enjoy my travel tips!

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